Lockdown lack of dentists
At the end of March my husband broke his tooth. This is obviously never a good situation, but during lockdown it presented an even worse one. The tooth was immediately sensitive and obviously needed immediate treatment before the real pain set in, so he quickly got to work ringing all dentists who answered within a 30 mile radius of our home.
It soon became obvious that dentists just weren’t in a position to operate (literally!) under lockdown conditions. I suppose it is incredibly difficult to avoid the closest of contact when providing oral care and PPE was still pretty much unavailable at that stage. Luckily he was able to speak directly to a dentist who advised that he buy a DIY tooth repair kit from a pharmacy, so that is what we did. It has been surprisingly successful actually, although I suppose that depends on your expectations. We’ve had to replace the temporary filling 4 times in the past 4-5 weeks. We’re both just glad there was a solution that avoided serious pain and should see him through to a point where he can have it professionally repaired.
Solving children’s dental health issues
So this turned out okay for my husband, but what if you are a parent who has an ongoing oral health concern about your child? Less urgent issues, especially chronic ones can be a real source of anxiety for you both, especially at this time when it can be so much more difficult to access proper dental care and advice. I was therefore delighted to receive this excellent summary of common dental issues and proposed solutions for children and glad to have the opportunity to share it with you. This infographic was created by Grove Dental Associates
The image of the boy with toothache was created by <a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/brain”>Brain photo created by drobotdean – www.freepik.com</a>
This infographic was created by Grove Dental, a pediatric dentist